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The Christian Academy

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AP & College Credit

Students can graduate from TCA with well over 30 college credits.  Because of this, many of our alumni are able to graduate from college a semester, or even a full year early, saving tens of thousands of dollars in tuition!

Many of our upper level courses are considered "Dual Credit,这意味着学生可以在上普通高中课程的同时获得大学学分. 我们与凯恩大学合作,他们授予课程学分,然后可以转移到你选择的大学. 

我们还提供通过我们的大学先修课程获得大学学分的机会.  我们有各种各样的“AP”课程,学生可以通过在年底参加AP考试来获得大学学分. 

Current Offerings (32 credits)

Experience The Christian Academy